quarta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2015

The waitress

Jack enter yet another café, every time, everyone different from the last night. He, as a such a famous musician, he knew he would find a new place where no one would knew and would try to bother him  about any autographs, while he is doing his moves on the ladies.
He was on a music tour across the country, and it was not easy to get rid from fans and papparazzis. Along in his ride he and his crew found this café in the middle of nothing, open and with a motel installed right behind it.
This café was almost empty, with only a person drinking his coffee on the back of the room. The space looked like a complete time machine. The aspect of the café had this 70's look very well preserved, with all the colors and hopes for the future people had on that time. There was a girl on the coffee machine. She was cleaning the components of it with a pink cloth, the same color of her very short skirt and her striped shirt with short sleeves.
"Hello. Can we stay here on the motel for the night?" Asked Jack, waiting to be recognised by the girl.
She looked at him and then looked outside for the bus. "The bus has to go to the end of the park and you can choose where you want to sleep. The motel is completly empty." And then, she continue to clean the coffe machine.
Jack was astonished. This girl did not recognised him. "What?"
"Park in the back. Come here later so I can give you the keys." Said the waitress, still cleaning the coffee machine, and without turning herself to talk to him.
Jack was gaping. He followed the girl's order and went outside to explain the driver what to do. He did not dear to enter the café alone now. When all the team was ready, they went inside the 70's coffee shop to ask for the keys.
"Hey guys, don't act strange, but the girl doesn't know us." Said Jack.
"What? Everyone knows our band."
"How are you feeling, without your name being known? The girl did not drewl all over you, did she? Ahahah!" Said Justin, the bass guy, laughing and mocking.
"Dude, like I care that one girl doesn't know me." said Jack. But he cared. His confidence came from the attention that fans gave him, since he is the vocalist.
When they went inside they were received by a warm greeting from the waitress.
"Hello! And welcome to Carl's Motel. What can I do for you fellows?" She said, cleaning the glass shelf of fried foods, that seperated her from the the musical team.
"First, I would like to know your name. A girl as pretty as you have to have a cute name. Second, what to you have to eat?" Said Percy, the guitar man of the band. The guys laugh of his bold move, except for Jack.
"I'm Jenny, your waitress for the night and the keybearer of the motel. I can do for all of you sandwiches. What's your preferences?" Said Jenny, hinding her blushed face away with a smile.
"What's with the frowned face dude? Don't like Percy being the center of attentions?" Justin asked to Jack while Jenny was appointing everyone's order.
"Leave me alone."
They sitted down on a table to eat the sandwiches. When Jenny came around for a refill, Jack looked at her and grabbed her by the waist and let her fall to his lap. Everyone laugh except for her.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Jenny shouted to Jack while getting up again.
"I just... I..." Mubbled Jack.
"You just nothing! I'll bring you the keys and then I'll end my shift. You will have to leave".
"Nice going, Jack." Said Percy.

quarta-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2015

"He, who had always the ability to see the future of everyone, saw this brunette girl falling down the street with her groceries bags slipping through her fingers, while running from some suspicious, gangster looking guys. 'That woman', he confessed to his buttons, 'is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.' While still holding on that thought, a darker one appeared to his head 'I have never seen this woman in my life!'
He tried to see more of her future and her choices and possible futures beyond the vision he just saw, but nothing would come up. He tried so hard to believe that this beautiful brunette girl would not die because of something so futile as avoiding a car accident, to end up dead at a gangster guy's arms.
Apolo run to his servants, that were going to take the car and be the reason for the woman to fall. He had to make sure he would see this girl's future once again. He had to come along on that trip and try his best to find her safey and to find out who she was and why he could not see her future beyond that vision of 3 seconds.
While entering the car and driving off his mansion with his servants, Apolo, as a god of prophetic visions, had thought from every child's birth to every eldest death and found nothing about this woman besides her moment of panic. Not even the fact that he would be the one to save her would move a string from the future's cloth.'This is a first', he thought while trying to find the street he saw her, 'this is the first person I've ever seen that I cannot see the future. Who is this girl?' That question start to haunt him while trying to find her meeting up with her destiny.

sábado, 23 de fevereiro de 2013

You are in my thoughts every hour of the day.
In every minute.
In every second.
In every thought.

domingo, 6 de janeiro de 2013

Do you think about it?
What are you talking about?
I mean, do you miss him?
Well, yeah, he's everything I need right now, but can't have.

segunda-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2012

"And there she was, Amanda, incorporated in someone elses body. He knew she wasn't her, the real Amanda was now dead. But his enimy's ability to transform into anyone, even from the past, was both amasing and heartbreaking. He could not even move a muscle."

sábado, 24 de novembro de 2012

É impressionante como a vida é.
Sempre a desafiar-nos a sermos mais e melhores. A sermos FORTES.
Desafia-nos ao ponto de acharmos que aquela dificuldade é demais para nós, que não a vamos conseguir superar, mas que à medida que a vida nos empurra mais e mais, passamos essa dificuldade como uma brincadeira de crianças.
A vida mostra-nos de uma maneira surda que somos capazes de dar 150% de nós, enquanto pensamos que só damos 50%.
Dá-nos vontade de viver, dá-nos propósito e desejos por concretizar. Especialmente quando somos novos, porque temos um mundo inteiro para construir à nossa frente.
O problema é que.. Nem todos aceitam os empurrões que a vida nos dá. Muitos pensam que a vida é muito difícil, muito injusta e que não há maneira de a fazer mudar. Mas na realidade, não é a vida que tem de mudar. De facto, é ela que nos ajuda a mudar e a nos moldarmos. Quem precisa de mudar são essas pessoas, que necessitam de estar abertas e receptivas para os acontecimentos.
A vida é maravilhosa. E eu amo vivê-la.

quinta-feira, 15 de novembro de 2012

Are we living reality, or is it reality just a dream?